Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies

Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies

Associate Provost/Associate Vice Chancellor

The associate vice chancellor/associate provost for academic affairs and graduate studies serves as the chief deputy to the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs; serves in the provost’s place when the need arises; and collaborates with deans, directors, and other university leaders and staff to further the academic mission and priorities of UW-River Falls. The associate provost represents the provost on governance and system committees and serves as a liaison to other administrative and academic units, both on and off campus.

The associate provost serves as the dean of graduate studies, having responsibilities for administering policies and procedures pursuant to graduate students, faculty, and programs. The associate provost also serves as the institution’s UW System Program Planning and Review liaison, and the coordinator for learning effectiveness. Operationally, the associate provost is the lead academic administrator responsible for program audit and review; program improvement and, academic learning assessment; institutional accreditation; and administrative support for faculty and academic staff development. 

The Coordinator for Accreditation; Honors and Falcon Scholars; and URSCA programs; and the Learning Effectiveness Office report to the associate provost. The associate provost serves at the pleasure of the provost and is a member of the Provost’s Council and Administrative Cabinet. 

Associate Provost Links



Paul B. and Robert Dykstra Faculty Excellence Award

Keith Wurtz Award for Teaching Excellence

Dykstra Faculty Excellence and Wurtz Teaching Excellence Awards Committee Members

Manley Olson Instructional Academic Staff Professional Development Award

Falcon Scholars Program

Higher Learning Commission 

Honors Program

Program Improvement Process

Program Integrity

Right to Know (Your Right to Know)

Student Handbook

URSCA.  Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity

If you have any compliments, suggestions, information, or concerns about either the Associate Provost/Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office or the offices that report to it, please let us know using this process.


C Baker

Dr. Caroline Baker, Ph.D., Interim Associate Provost/Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies


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Academic Affairs