Please use the appropriate form depending on your needs.
If you have an activity that you feel merits consideration, follow the steps below. These steps will take additional time so please plan accordingly.
Complete the off-campus activity approval form.
Email the completed Off-campus Approval form to: no later than 2 weeks before the date of the event to allow time for processing and facutly notifications.
If approved, requesting faculty will receive an approved PDF form that they will need to provide to their students.
Students will provide this PDF to their affected faculty members no later than 1 week before the date of the event to ensure adequate notice.
Approved requests will be listed on the academic affairs page.
This form will be used for non-travel activities such as virtual conferences and where the scheduled event will occur during scheduled class hours.
The faculty member must complete the on-campus non-travel activity request form.
Email completed form to no later than 2 weeks before the date of the event to allow time for processing and facutly notifications.
If approved, requesting faculty will receive an approved PDF form that they will need to provide to their students.
Students will provide this PDF to their affected faculty members no later than 1 week before the date of the event to ensure adequate notice.
Email completed form to