The university supports participation in student organizations. While the goal of both the University, in general, and Student Involvement, in particular, is to avoid or minimize the potential that students might miss classes while participating in appropriate activities off campus (e.g competitions, conferences and professional development, and university-service and promotion), it is understood that the activities might occasionally overlap with classes. When overlaps with classes arise, the following process must be followed:
1. For off-campus activities that are clearly tied to academics (e.g. student participation in academic-related conferences), the academic-approval process should be used.
2. For other off-campus activities, the Student Involvement Office must provide students with a class absence notification form, approved by the Provost's Office, that includes a clear identification of the student organization that will be traveling, the destination, the departure and return dates and times, contact information for Student Involvement, and a listing of students who are participating.
3. This class absence notification form must be provided by Student Involvement to the student, who must deliver it to the faculty members whose course(s) are affected at least 1 week prior to the activity.
Pi Sigma Alpha Members