
Leah Palmer

Why did you choose to attend UWRF?
It was a small campus, close to home.  I loved the old buildings, big trees, and small town feel.  I also liked that it was a part of the larger UW system, so my degree source would be more easily recognized if I chose to move away from the Twin Cities/ MN region.

What was your most memorable UWRF experience?
Sorority initiation! Nov 1, 1999 was an incredible, life-changing day.  

What was your favorite course at UWRF? Why?
All of the criminology courses were both challenging and fun.  I especially enjoyed SOC 250, Deviant Behavior and Criminology.

How did your degree prepare you for your current profession?
I have been blessed to work in my field in several law enforcement settings where I was able to apply what I learned in courses such as research methodology, social theory, and statistics.  My BA degree provided me with a global perspective and broad base of knowledge.   In 2013, I completed a Master of Public Affairs degree and I credit my excellent education at UWRF with my completion of that degree program.

What advice do you have for prospective students who are considering UWRF?
Get involved!  You will love college so much more if you immerse yourself in campus life.  Join a committee, Student Senate, club, Greek organization, Hall Council, or other group.  You'll meet people you wouldn't otherwise cross paths with and you will grow as a person.  I give so much credit to my experiences in student organizations in my ability to talk to people at work and in the community, as well as understand basic organizational structures such as Articles of Incorporation, Parliamentary Procedure, and agenda setting.  Some of my best friends to this day are people I met through student organizations.

Career Highlights/Awards/Recognition (list):
3 Chiefs Awards of Merit (Minneapolis Police Department)
1 Award of Merit (Minneapolis Police Department)
Master of Public Affairs degree, conferred May 2014
Alpha Omicron Pi chapter adviser & Foundation scholarship recipient
Alpha Omicron Pi – Kappa Sigma Alumna of the Year (2006)

Leah Palmer
Leah Palmer,
Senior Account Executive, Turn Key Corrections

Sociology - 2000

Bloomington, MN

Current Residence:

Savage, MN

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103 Rodli Hall
M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.