
Caroline Guse-Featured Intern

Featured Intern Carolyn Guse

Major: Data Science and Predictive Analytics with a Chemistry minor
Hometown: Plymouth, MN
2nd Internship:  Software Engineer, Summer 2019 (1st was 2018 Technology Development Program Intern)
Employer: Optum, Eden Prairie MN
Future: Accepted a full time position with Optum upon graduation (Updated 10-28-2019)


Optum is a global, fortune 6, healthcare informatics company under UnitedHealth Group offering services and solutions to companies, individuals, and governments. They are driven by their values of integrity, compassion, relationships, innovation, and performance. Their mission is to help people live healthier lives and to help make the healthcare system work better for everyone.

My role as a Software Engineer was to build a User Interface for the creation of modernized cloud based, manual letter generation requests in medical claims adjudication system as part of a claims processing modernization project.

One of my goals was to learn more about software engineering throughout the development of my project. A bonus to my project was that I got to learn a new coding language, Angular. Additionally, I wanted to learn more about the healthcare system by attending speaker events and doing additional learning on the company. 

This experience changed my career choice slightly. I want to focus on Data Science through data driven solutions, but I want to combine it with aspects of the user experience when designing UIs. 

My words of advice would be: “Always accept change and be willing to try new things. Fail fast and learn from those mistakes. Additionally, feedback is your best friend and the easiest way to discover how your work truly holds up as a solution.”