Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications, or MarComm, focuses on teaching students how to persuasively communicate in oral, written, graphic and digital. A UWRF MarComm major is interdisciplinary in nature which means students take classes in other programs including Communication Studies, Journalism, English (Professional Writing), Digital Film and more! The end result... our students learn from great instructors who have experience and expertise in a specific area.

Marketing Vs. MarComm

A traditional marketing major provides a well-rounded business experience including courses in finance, accounting and economics as well as marketing. Marketing communications primarily focuses on the profession's creative side --advertising, public relations, digital and social marketing, sales promotions and more.

Here's the deal. If you are creative and math is NOT your thing (it wasn't ours either...), a UWRF marketing Communications major may be worth checking out.

Why MarComm is Different

The vast majority of marketing curriculums are rigidly chronological in nature. Students take level 100, then 200 and then 300 level courses, which are usually courses of interest.

A UWRF's MarComm major... well, once students finish the program's two intro courses, they are on their way to selecting the electives that fit their personal interests and career goals. In addition, our Senior Seminar course teaches upcoming grads how to market themselves!

Plus, it is incredibly easy to double major (Communication Studies, Journalism, Graphic Design, and others) in four years without hanging around for an extra semester or two.

We challenge you to find a major with a high emphasis on teaching integrated marketing communications without requiring a ton of pre-requisite and math-based classes.

We've tried.

A Focus on Application

A great college experience focuses on what you did as well as learned. Every UWRF MarComm course emphasizes the skills required to succeed in the industry. Furthermore, all upper-level MarComm classes then provide students opportunities to apply what they've learned to real world situations.

The Bottom Line...

Yes, we have a few tests, quizzes and a little MarComm math that focuses on what is used in the profession... we kind of have to. However, if you're seeking a major where grades are primarily based on inspiration, creativity and hard work, give us a look.