CMS Training

Common Spot CMS Training

Welcome to CMS Training!

This site has been developed as a tool for training and as a reference guide. It includes instructions and screen shots showing various tasks associated with maintaining your web pages.

Migrating content to Drupal

Content is moving to Drupal CMS. Find out how to prepare.

Request Training

Visit the DoTS service catalog to request training.

Walk-in Help

Start Date: Thursday, January 12, 2024
Time: 9 AM - 12:00 PM
Frequency: Every Thursday
Location: North Hall 22 (Southwest entrance, bottom of the steps.)

Other Requests

Web Authoring Consultation Request (Get help organizing your site.) Web Page Build Request (The DoTS web team will create or edit a page for you.)

What Every Campus Web Author Should Know

Guide to Web Standards

Page Layout Standards

Section 508: Assessibility to Web Pages

What Should Our Department Web Site Look Like?

Visit the sample department web site.


Contact Us

Division of Technology Services
160 Davee Library