Counseling and School Psychology

School Psychology Scholarships

UW-River Falls School Psychology Program students are eligible for several scholarships and other financial assistance options, as follows. 

University-Based Scholarships:


  • The Marilyn L. Leifgren Scholarship. Students may apply for this scholarship during the fall of their 3rd year (practicum year), with funds distributed in the spring of Year Three. An essay is required detailing the applicant's social justice journey and advocacy effort plans in the coming year. For additional details and deadlines, search the scholarship information web page with search term "Leifgren."  (2023-24 Leifgren Scholarship recipient - UWRF Student Monica Johnson).

  • The Mary J. Crownhart Scholarship. The Crownhart scholarship is given annually to one student in the Department of Counseling & School Psychology. Any student from any year in either program may apply during the fall semester, with funds distributed in the spring semester. The value of this one-time scholarship has typically been $1000 (may vary). Applicants for the Crownhart Scholarship should have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and exhibit evidence of leadership qualities through involvement in professional or other organizations. For additional details and deadlines, search the scholarship information web page with the search term "Crownhart." (2023-24 Crownhart Scholarship recipient - UWRF Student Pa Dao Xiong).

  • The Dr. Donald Lee & Naomi Stovall School Psychology Scholarship. This scholarship supports first-year students in the UWRF School Psychology Graduate Program (apply in the fall; funds distributed in the spring). Preference will be given to an individual of an under-represented minoritized group or who is a first generation college student - defined as a student whose parents do not have a college degree. The scholarship application process for the Stovall Scholarship will occur in the spring, prior to beginning the program, and will be available for use during the first fall semester. For additional details and deadlines, search the scholarship information web page with the search term "Stovall." (2023-24 Stovall Scholarship Recipient - UWRF Student Carrie Carlson).

Tuition Remission Policy for Out of State and International Students:

  • ELIGIBILITY: School Psychology Program Graduate students from states other than Wisconsin or Minnesota may receive $3000 of tuition remission ($1500 per semester) during the Masters Degree portions of the program (the first two years). This policy holds for the Fall and Spring semesters only. Additional remission cannot occur in summer sessions or J-term. To be eligible, graduate students must carry eight or more credits in a semester and maintain a 3.25 or greater GPA. Students receiving tuition rates under Minnesota Reciprocity, the Midwest Student Exchange, or Veteran's Choice are not eligible.  

  • PROCESS: There is no application for the tuition remission. It is awarded automatically based upon residency status, as determined during the admissions process. Questions may be directed to the Student Billing Office at (715) 425-3145.

National and State School Psychology Scholarships:

  • Graduate student scholarships from the National Association of School Psychologists include the NASP ERT Minority Scholarship. The value of this scholarship is $5000. UW-RF School Psychology Student Brooke Fails earned this award in 2009. See the link above for details. (2021 NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship recipient - UWRF Student Pa Lee - one of just five in the country).

  • Students who are also members of the Wisconsin School Psychologists Association (WSPA) are eligible for three distinct scholarships: the WSPA Elizabeth Lindley Woods Award (Usually $500; intended for a student who intends to work in WI following internship), the WSPA Minority Scholarship Award (Usually $500; intended for a student recognized as having a racial minority status), and the WSPA Bernice Krolasik Award (Usually $1500; intended for non-traditional students). Numerous UW-River Falls School Psychology Program students have received these WSPA awards. Link to the WSPA webpage for membership and scholarship details (under the resources tab in the menu bar). (2021 WSPA Minority Scholarship recipient - UWRF Student Zong Xiong).


  • Advanced Opportunity Program (AOP) Fellowship. This grant is for underrepresented minoritized graduate students or non-minoritized disadvantaged graduate students. (Many UWRF School Psychology students have secured this fellowship in recent years).

  • Eligibility:

    • Being a member of an under-represented minority group (Black/African-American, Latino/Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Southeast Asian); or

    • Having grown up in a family in which public assistance was received; or

    • Being the first member of the immediate family to go to college; Having participated in one of the TRIO or similar programs as an undergraduate student; or

    • Students who have otherwise not had the expectation or encouragement to pursue graduate studies.

  • Wisconsin residency is NOT a requirement of this scholarship; however, it is a preference. 

  • Applicants must have financial need as determined by the FAFSA (graduate school would not be a viable option without financial support). Applicants must be admitted into a degree-seeking graduate program and must be enrolled in at least 2 credits per semester. Application deadlines are typically during the spring semester. Tuition/fee charges (at the WI resident rate) plus an amount for book/supplies each fall and spring semester; summer grants are dependent on remaining funding. Other details are as follows:

    • In previous years, scholarships have averaged 67% of tuition, fees, and book allowance (with some 100% scholarships awarded)

    • As of 2016, about 10-12 AOP fellowships have been awarded annually (from about 25 applications).

    • Recipients must reapply each year. While not guaranteed, those that receive it one time are prioritized for receipt throughout a graduate program. 

    • Newly accepted students in February may apply before May 1 (eligible for the award during first year of program). 

  • American Indian Grants (Federal / State / Tribal). State: Wisconsin Indian Student Assistance. Tribal Grants: File application with tribe.


  • Ethel McDonald Ellis was a faculty member at River Falls Normal School from 1916 to 1918.  In 1963, she established a fund through the UWRF Foundation to provide short-term loans to students. The Ethel McDonald Ellis Loan Fund is administered by First National Bank of River Falls on behalf of the UWRF Foundation.  Short-term, no interest loans are available for qualified purposes. See: Ethel McDonald Ellis Loan Fund

Contact Us

Suelle Micallef Marmara
Counseling Program Director
231 Wyman Education Building

Scott Woitaszewski
School Psychology Program Director
227 Wyman Education Building