Faculty and Staff

Parkinson. Michelle

Michelle Parkinson 20240620

Michelle Parkinson


Office: 253 Kleinpell Fine Arts
Phone: 715-425-4502



B.A., M.A., Utah State University;
Ph.D., English Literature, Purdue University.

Areas of Specialization:

English Renaissance Literature, Early Modern Cultural Studies, Shakespeare, Literary Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies


"La Jupe Blanch: (Ad)dressing ElizabethI". Prose Studies 28 (2006): 168-83.
Rev. of Shakespear's Violated Bodies: Stage and Screen Performance, by Pascale Aebischer.The Sixteenth Century Journal: The Journal of Early Modern Studies 37 (2006): 617-18.
Rev. of Words That Count: Early Modern Authorship: Essays in Honor of MacDonald P. Jackson, Edited by Brian Boyd. The Sixteenth Century Journal of Early Modern Studies 37 (2006): 617-18.

Autobiographical Information:

Michelle Parkinson has published critical works in Prose Studies and The Sixteenth Century Journal. Her creative work has appeared in The Sycamore Review and Utah State University Magazine. Her dissertation focused on sexuality politics in early modern England through readings of the letters and speeches of Elizabeth I and the plays of John Lyly and Christopher Marlowe. She has attended numerous conferences in the United States and the U. K. Recently, she travelled to Scotland as an invited speaker at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow to deliver a talk on the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Her current research centers on the political, religious, social and legal rhetoric surrounding the phenomenon of execution in early modern England. She teaches Shakespeare, Introduction to Literary Studies, British Liturature Survey I, Shakespeare on Film and Human Issues in Liturature.