Faculty and Staff

Moore, Codie

Codie Moore

Codie Moore

Hall Director of Parker Hall, Ames Suites and South Fork Suites

Start Year: 2022

Residence Life
Office: B3 Hathorn Hall
Phone: 715-425-4563



M.S. in Student Affairs in Higher Education, Missouri State University 
B.S. in Criminal Justice & B.A. in Sociology, Northeastern State University

Additional Information:

As the Hall Director of Parker Hall, Ames Suites, and South Fork Suites, Codie supervises a staff of 13 Resident Assistants and serves as a resource to all students within the community. Codie creates and implements a Residential Education Curriculum that creates learning opportunities for the residents; along with aiding the Resident Assistants in promoting a safe and educational environment where students live civilly, learn effectively and discover success.  Codie also serves as the advisor for Hall Council.

Advice to Students:

Don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities and experiences. You would be surprised where your interests lie and what you can become good at. You are doing great.