Faculty and Staff

Index of Staff with Profiles

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



Wagner, David

Residence Life

Wahlberg, Ashley

Financial Aid

Waldron, Lindsay


Waletzko, Dan

Plant and Earth Science

Walker, John


Walker, Matthew


Walker, Rachael

Animal and Food Science

Wallace, Rich

Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology

Walling, Henry

University Center

Wallrich, Karen

Walsh, James


Walsh, Jessie

C.H.I.L.D. Center

Walsh, Laura

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Walters, Bonnie

Animal and Food Science

Wang, Ashley

Residence Life

Wang, Ting


Ward, Gay

Teacher Education

Ward, Jacob

Grounds Maintenance

Weigelt, Brent

Heating Plant

Weinzirl, Marissa

C.H.I.L.D. Center

Weise, Brendan

Technology Services

Wekkin, Jessica

Exploratory and Tutoring Services
Career Services

Welch, Kathy

Music and Stage and Screen Arts

Wells, Courtney

Social Work

Wells, Karyn

Residence Life

Wells-Mangold, Kellen


Wendt, Jerry

Wertheimer, Greg

Purchasing Services

Westberg, Lance


Westberry, Kimberley

Library, Chalmer Davee

Westby, Matthew

Central Receiving and Postal

Whelan, Christopher

Psychological Sciences

Whitaker, Angela

Continuing Education

White, Christopher

Building Maintenance

White, Jim

Agricultural Economics

White, Kaelyn

Counseling and Health Services

Wickboldt, Brian

Facilities Management

Wiebold, John

Grounds Maintenance

Wiesen-Martin, Desiree

Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology
College of Arts and Sciences

Wiesner, Susanne

Plant and Earth Science

Wietzke, Walter

History and Philosophy

Wiggins, Jessica

Technology Services

Wilkinson, Todd

Psychological Sciences

Williams, Ian

Plant and Earth Science

Williams, James

Technology Services

Williams, Jonathan

Custodial Services

Willis-Rivera, Jennifer

Communication and Media Studies

Winget, Jason

Technology Services

Wirth, Amber

C.H.I.L.D. Center

Wise, Valaida

Teacher Education

Wissing, Jacob

Health and Human Performance

Wissing, Kelsea

University Communications and Marketing

Withers, Erik

Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology

Wodack, Jade

Plant and Earth Science

Woitaszewski, Scott

Counseling and School Psychology

Wood, Katie

Teacher Education

Woodrum Setser, Megan

Animal and Food Science

Woolcock, Patrick

Agricultural Engineering Technology

Woolsey, Michael

Technology Services

Worden, John

Continuing Ed Instruction

Wright, Mary

Teacher Education

Wright, Thor

Technology Services

Wylie, Benjamin

University Center