This list represents a compilation of visitors to the UW-River Falls campus since we first opened our doors in 1874.
The compilation of the more than 300 names was spearheaded by Sociology Professor Emeritus Robert Pionke (1963-1995), who spent more than 100 hours researching the names and dates of the visitors listed here. During his tenure at UWRF, Pionke spent three years on the Concerts and Lectures Committee and was personally responsible for bringing many of these notable visitors to campus during the turbulent Civil Rights Movement.
This on-line list of Pionke’s research was completed in the spring and summer of 2012 with assistance from the UWRF Foundation, University Communications, Division of Technology Services, and University Archives.
The list is designed to be an ongoing record of UWRF’s notable visitors. For additions or corrections, contact University Archives or call 715-425-3567.