Students listen to Innovator in Residence

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Course Connections

We strongly believe that developing and strengthening the relationship between academia and organizations results in better prepared students upon graduation.    

Are you interested in engaging with, and contributing to the development of students? Please submit your ideas below.

The course is a hands-on, learn-by-doing, collaborative class.  The learning experience engages students in developing an innovative solution to an issue, opportunity, or emerging trend.  The learning process requires students to:
•    Explore the strategic opportunity associated the issue, opportunity, or emerging trend.
•    Identify the experiences that end users have [or may have] related to the opportunity.
•    Develop an initial solution prototype and get feedback on its design from potential end users.
•    Refine the original solution, create a second prototype, and get feedback.  Repeat if needed.
•    Draft a preliminary implementation strategy.

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The Branding Communications course at UW-River Falls provides branding “pitches” to businesses seeking guidance in the areas of logo design, color palette, taglines, promotional collateral including magazine ads, digital ads, and social media and more.  The client is asked to fill out information about their organization’s branding needs and 5-7 student teams will create recommendations that they will “pitch” to the client. The recommendations are intended to provide information and guidance in the client’s branding decision-making process and will not result in finalized products.  This is a great learning opportunity for students to work with existing business branding issues and also allows the business to receive ideas for branding.

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