Provost's Office

Dean/Director/Chair Calendar

Last Revised: 6/26//2024


University of Wisconsin-River Falls





2024-2025 Dean/Director/Chair Calendar








Faculty & Academic Staff

Initiate By:

Routing Sequence

Due By:

Notified By:

Academic Staff Contracts

September 13, 2024

Human Resources notifies Supervisors of all fixed-term renewable academic staff




September 13, 2024

Supervisors forward recommendations to Dean/Director 

October 11, 2024



October 11, 2024

Dean/Directors forward recommendations to Division Head (Provost or Chancellor). 

November 1, 2024



November 1, 2024

Chancellor/Provost review and forward final decision to Human Resources Office

November 15, 2024


2nd Yr. Probationary Faculty / Review for 3rd & 4th Contracts

Aug 26, 2024

Human Resources notifies Dean of eligible faculty and/or staff





Dean Notifies Department Chair(s) of Eligible Faculty

September 15, 2024




Dept Chair notifies probationary faculty members & all eligible voters no later than

September 20, 2024




Professional file made available to candidate & faculty members eligible to vote, for their consideration & additions

September 21 - Oct 20, 2024




Amended file available for review only

October 21-31, 2024




Vote no later than

November 10, 2024




Dept recommendations and all supporting documents opened to inspection and comments for 3 weekdays prior to submission to Dean but no later than

November 15, 2024




Department Chair(s) forwards Recommendations to Dean

November 16, 2024




Dean forwards Recommendations to Provost & Vice Chancellor

November 23, 2024




Provost and Vice Chancellor forwards recommendation to Chancellor no later than

November 30, 2024




Chancellor and Provost meet to review recommendations for renewal/non-renewal and both acknowledge / approve

December 1, 2024




Chancellor informs head of academic unit and faculty member of decision no later than

December 8, 2024




Human Resources prepared letters to faculty and routes to Chancellor's Office for Chancellor to sign

December 5, 2024




Chancellor signs letters notifying faculty member of decision and letters are placed in mail no later than


December 8, 2024

Faculty Promotions


Dean Notifies Department Chair(s) of Eligible Faculty

September 15, 2024




Department Chair(s) Notifies individual faculty members within five working days following September 15 of the faculty members' eligibility for promotion to full professor and their requirement to submit their professional record.

~within five working days following Sept 15 of the faculty members' eligibility for promotion to full professor & their requirement to submit their professional record~




Completed record submitted to Department Chair

October 15, 2024




Department Decision Finalized

November 1, 2024




Department(s) forwards Recommendations to College Promotion Committee

November 15, 2024




College Promotion Committee forwards Recommendations to Dean

February 1, 2025




Dean forwards Recommendations to Provost

February 15, 2025




Chancellor and Provost review recommendations for promotion and acknowledge/approve

February 20, 2025




Human Resources prepares promotion letters and routes to Chancellor's office for signature

February 24, 2025




Chancellor signs promotion letters informing faculty member (with copies to Dean, Chair, Budget, HR) of recommendations

February 28, 2025




Provost office reports to System information on promotions, renewals, tenure by April 22 each year. System notes this information in BOR materials for June.

April 21, 2025




Board of Regents Decision


June 6, 2025



Chancellor/Provost office advises Human Resources of BOR decision on promotions/tenure recommendations after June BOR meeting.

June 9, 2025




Human Resources prepares final letter to faculty member advising them of BOR approval concerning their promotion and/or tenure status

June 11, 2025




Chancellor signs letters prepared by HR to faculty receiving promotion and/or tenure as approved by Board of Regents

June 12-13, 2025


Post Tenure Review

March 29, 2024

Names of faculty members subject to post-tenure review forwarded to Deans no later than

May 1, 2024 (of the academic year preceding review)

As Required



Dean notifies faculty member no later than

May 15, 2024 (of the academic year preceding review)




Department sets post-tenure review dates and method

By September 30, 2024




Selection of committee, if necessary

By October 15, 2024




Head of Academic unit notifies faculty member and committee of review dates

By October 30, 2024




Faculty member completes portfolio

By January 30, 2025




Chair of committee reviews portfolio

One week review period between January 30, 2025 and April 15, 2025



Chair or committee member meets with faculty member and final summary is submitted to faculty member

No later than two weeks after the post-tenure review period




Post-tenure review report forwarded to Dean

By one week after meeting with faculty member




Dean conducts administrative review and forwards report and any response or change in rating and accompanying rational and evidence to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

By one week after post-tenure review report is forwarded to Dean.  If "meets" or "exceeds" recommended, the procedure stops here for Chairs and Committees.



Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs review reports. For those that "do not meet expectations" the Dean will be notified that a remediation plan needs to be developed.

By one week after post-tenure review report is forwarded to the Provost if it does not "meet" or "exceed" expectation


Dean, Department Chair and faculty member develops a remediation plan to address deficiencies.

By one month after notification is received from the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. 


Dean notifies faculty member in writing that the remediation plan has not addressed all of the deficiencies

By one week after the ending date of the remediation plan


If appropriate, the Dean requests in writing that the Chancellor extends the remediation completion date. A revised remediation plan must accompany the request. 

By one month after a negative notification, the result is received from the Dean


The Chancellor accepts/rejects the request for an extension of the remediation plan to a fourth academic semester RPD 20-9(1) (c) (ii)

Within one week of receiving the written request 


The Dean makes a written recommendation for discipline for faculty members who fail to address all deficiencies noted in the post-tenure review

To the appropriate Senate Committee and Provost within oen month of the non-fulfillment of the remediation plan


2025-2026 Sabbatical Leave

March 1, 2024

Submitted to FASDB for Initial Screening

September 27, 2024




FASDB Forwards Recommendation to Provost

November 15, 2024




Provost Informs Dean/Fac Member of Recommendation

November 18, 2024




& Chancellor forwards Recommendations to Board of Regents





Board of Regents Decision


December 6, 2024






3rd Yr. & Up Probationary Faculty

Nov 8, 2024

Human Resources notifies Dean of eligible faculty and/or staff





Dean Notifies Department Chair(s) of Eligible Faculty

November 25, 2024




Dept Chair notifies probationary faculty members and all eligible voters no later than

Dec 5, 2024




Professional file is available to candidate and faculty members eilgible to vote, for their considerations and additions

Dec 6, 2024 -
Jan 5, 2025




Amended file available for review only

Jan 6, 2025 -

Jan 31, 2025




Vote no later than

Feb 6, 2025




Dept recommendations & supporting documents shall be opened to inspection and comments for 3 weekdays prior to their submission to Dean/Director but no later than

Feb 13, 2025




Department Chair(s) forwards Recommendations to Dean

February 15, 2025




Provost Office transfers those faculty appearing on 3rd Year and Up spreadsheet who are up for a tenure decision (promotion from Assistant to Associate) to Promotions Spreadsheet. These letters will go out same time as letters for those who are receiving straight promotion to "Full". (ensures that all promotion letters are out by February 28, 2022)

February 15, 2025




Dean forwards Recommendations to Provost

February 21, 2025




Provost and Vice Chancellor forwards recommendation to Chancellor no later than

February 28, 2025




Chancellor and Provost signs off on those up for renewal, tenure/promotion

March 3-4, 2025




Chancellor informs head of academic unit of decision no later than

March 6, 2025




Human Resources prepares letters to faculty regarding their renewal and routes to Chancellor for signature

March 6, 2025




Chancellor signs letters notifying faculty member of decision and letters placed in mail no later than


March 7, 2025

Instructional Academic Staff Promotion

Dec 02, 2024

Human Resources informs individuals and their department chairs of eligibility for promotion (based on spring appointment)





Instructional Academic Staff submits portfolio to department chair

January 16, 2025




Department recommendation (if department vote or committee) to chair

February 3, 2025




Chair forwards recommendation to Dean

February 10, 2025




Dean forwards recommendation to Provost

February 17, 2025




Provost approves promotions

February 24, 2025




Chancellor approves promotions

March 03, 2025




Human Resources produces letters to candidates (contracts already issued will be revised, if necessary)


March 17, 2025






Department Chair Selection


Dean Initiates selection by notifying departments


November 01, 2024



Departments forwards recommendations to Dean

December 16, 2024




Dean forwards recommendations to Provost

January 9, 2025




Chancellor/Provost review recommendations

January 13-17, 2025




Human Resources prepare letters to new chairs

January 20, 2025




Chancellor notifies new chairs of appointment


January 30, 2025

Release/Reassigned time

Nov 27, 2024

Deans to provide listing of the release/reassigned time assignments in their college (Include all released time for admin. & other duties and the amount of time for which the release/reassign has been awarded).

January 10, 2025


Student Evaluations

Initiate By:

Routing Sequence

Due By:


Fall Semester

Oct 2, 2024

Actual Student Evaluation Period: Nov. 25-Dec 13, 2024

Dec 16, 2024


Spring Semester

Feb 21, 2025

Actual Student Evaluation Period: April 21 - May 9, 2024

May 12, 2025


Major Capital Equipment Requests

Process Under Revision

Budget Director to all Unit Supervisors



Recruitment & Retention - Hiring Information

Jan 6, 2025

Budget Director to Academic Deans





Due to Budget Director

Feb. 12, 2025


Program Revenue Budget Requests

Jan 6, 2025

Budget Director to Deans





Due to Budget Director

Feb 3, 2025


Request for annual GPR Budget Information

Jan 6, 2025

Budget Director to Deans & Senior Administration





Due to Budget Director

Feb 3, 2025


Dean GPR Allocation Distribution

Feb 10, 2025

Budget Director to Deans





Due to Budget Director

Mar 3, 2025


Recruitment and Retention - Allocations

May 4, 2025

Budget Director to Deans





Due to Budget Director

July 2, 2025


University Staff Performance Management

First week of April 2025

Human Resources notifies supervisors that performance review process should be initiated


Sign performance planning and review document and forward all documents to Human Resources

Second Friday in June


Academic Staff and Limited - Performance Management/Review


Academic staff member completes narrative and self evaluation

First Monday in May


Supervisor completes narrative and evaluation

Third Monday in May


Collaborative meeting is held and final performance review is presented, signed by employee and supervisor. Form and coversheet forwarded to respective Dean/Director for signature and original is forwarded to Human Resources

May 15-June 15, 2025


Contact Us

Provost's Office
116 North Hall