DIH Dairy Summit 2023

Dairy Innovation Hub

In the News

June 2024
UWRF announces four faculty fellowships funded by state-sponsored Dairy Innovation Hub. Learn more.

December 2023
A year in review with the DIH.

Novmeber 2023
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Research in the Rotunda. View dates here.

October 2023
Read the fourth annual DIH report here.

September 2023
Dairy Innovation Hub brings faculty together for important collaborations. Learn more.

May 2023
DIH supports outstanding undergraduate student researchers. Meet them here.

February 2023
Hub-funded research featured at the State Capitol on April 19th. Learn more.

December 2022
Dairy Innovation Hub successes highligted at Board of Regents meeting. Learn more.

 October 2022
Read the third annual DIH report here.

September 2022
Dairy Innovation Hub hires multiple faculty members. Learn more. 

June 2022
Dairy Innovation Hub researches potential new uses for milk ingredients and byproducts. Learn more.