Dean of Students Office

Medical Class Absence Notification

Unforeseen events or circumstances may cause a student to be absent from class. These could include illness, bereavement, accident, or a catastrophic event such as fire. If such issues arise, student are encouraged to notify their instructors as soon as possible to apprise them of the circumstances leading to their absence from classes and to develop a plan with a timetable to make up missed coursework. Students may be asked to provide documentation to provide perspective that the class absence is warranted. Instructors are expected to make reasonable accommodations for these class absences including administration of make-up assignments and exams whenever possible.

Family member and/or students should also contact the Dean of Students Office. After recieving appropriate documentation, we can send a courtesy class absence notification to faculty informing them of a student's current situation and the period the student is anticipating missing class. This memorandum does not necessarily constitute an excused absence. It is strongly recommended that students alert their academic advisor to notify them of the circumstances and discuss potential next steps with them. 

Students are encouraged to contact a Dean of Students staff member if they need additional follow-up assistance with a class absence notification.

Absence Notification Form

Contact Us

Dean of Students Office
235 Rodli Hall