Student Parking

Student Parking Information

Parking lots are identified with a sign at each entrance including the lot name, permit requirement and enforcement times. Permits are enforced by the license plate. All permits are virtual, so there is no physical permit to display. Purchase of a parking permit authorizes parking only in the designated lot for the registered vehicle only. Parking in a permitted space without a permit or prior to permit purchase completion is prohibited and the vehicle would be subject to a citation. A permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space but grants the authority to park in the designated lot.

Annual Student Parking Permits:

Lot Valid Time 25/26   Annual Cost  (Tax Included) Housing Contract Status
E, K, N, O, R, G 24 hour  $       390.50  Required
PAY3-24 24 hour  $       390.50  Optional
PAY3-CM 7 a.m.-10 p.m. $        195.25  Not allowed
  • Annual permits are valid from August 1st through the following year August 31st.
  • If you have a residential permit (E, K, N, O, R, or G) the alternate lot is PAY3 if your lot is full.
  • Only one vehicle can be registered to a student parking permit. This is strictly enforced.

Upon completion of the purchase an email will be sent containing the valid location. Only upon receipt of the email and within the corresponding valid dates, is the registered vehicle granted authorization to park in the designated lot. 

The permit holder is responsible for any parking violations issued to the vehicle registered to the parking permit. If you purchased a permit and are no longer eligible, the permit must be canceled or exchanged for a permit that you are eligible for subject to availability. A student can request a permit cancellation at any time. A canceled permit on or prior to September 18th is subject to a $45.00 administrative fee. Student parking permits are non-refundable after February 10th. Please see Parking Refund Policy for details. Please contact the parking office at to request a cancellation. If you withdraw or are placed on academic suspension you must contact the parking office to cancel the parking permit. If you hold a commuter permit, you must cancel or exchange the permit upon moving ON campus. If you hold a residential parking permit, you must cancel or exchange the permit upon moving OFF campus.

Exchanges are subject to availability and may include a price differential.  Please contact the Parking office with questions @ 715-425-3333.

Resale, transfer of permit or registering someone else's vehicle to allow them to utilize your permit is prohibited. Use of permit by anyone other than the registered purchaser may result in a fine, revocation, and prosecution for theft under 943.2(1)(a), Wis. State Statues or UWS 18.05.

Public Parking is available for any student or visitor to utilize. Click here for additional information.

Parking enforcement information can be found at Parking Enforcement.

When can I purchase a permit for 2025/2026 academic year?

Annual Student Parking Permits will be available for sale by seniority. Please see chart below for purchase dates based on eligibility.

Class Standing Current Completed  Purchase Eligibility Date
(credit based)  Credits Beginning
Senior 90 or more April 18, 2025
Junior 60-90 April 18, 2025
Sophomore 30-59 April 25, 2025
Freshman (Returning Students Only) 1-29 April 25, 2025
New Students, Incoming Student, Transfer Student, Accepted High School Seniors no credit requirements June 3, 2025



Lots/permits listed according to distance from the residential hall.

Residential Hall 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice
West End Johnson E K N
Stratton E K N PAY3-24
Prucha E K N PAY3-24
May E K N PAY3-24
Central Hathorn N G K PAY3-24
East End McMillian R O PAY3-24 -
Grimm R O PAY3-24 -
Parker O R PAY3-24 -
Crabtree O R PAY3-24 -
Ames O R PAY3-24 -
South Fork Suites O R PAY3-24 -
Live Off Campus Commuter No Residential  Hall PAY3-CM - - -


Student Online Parking Account: LOGIN

  • Pay a Citation
  • Appeal a Citation
  • Purchase a Permit
  • View account History (emails/letters, citations, permit, receipts)

Visitors or Public: Create or Log into a Guest Account

  • Pay a Citation
  • Appeal a Citation
  • Purchase Guest Parking

(Do not create a guest account if you are a student, employee or already have an account.)

Citation Holder: Scan and Pay

  • Quickly Pay a Citation


Student Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: How do I contact the Parking Office?
A1: Parking Office Business Hours are Monday-Friday 7:45-4:30
     - During business hours, Parking can be reached by phone (715-425-3333), in person (103 RDI), or by email (
     - Outside of business hours, questions can be answered by the information on the website or by email. Emails received outside of business hours will be responded to on the next business day.

Q2: What permit can I purchase if I have a housing contract? Or if I don't have a housing contract?
A2: See chart below.

Lot Housing Contract Status
E, K, N, O, R, G Required
PAY3-24 Optional
PAY3-CM Not allowed

Q3: What is the difference between PAY3-24 and PAY3CM?
A3: PAY3-24 is overnight parking for a student with a housing contract or without a housing contract. PAY3-CM valid 7am-10pm only with no overnight parking and the students can not have a housing contract.

Q4: How are completed credits calculated?
A4: Current completed credits include only the credits that have been completed with final grades entered. The credits for the semester that you are currely working on do not calculate in the completed credits.

Q5: If I purchased an annual permit, when can I park there?
A5: An email will be sent to your university email informing you that the annual permit purchase is complete and where the permit is valid.

Q6: Where should I park on a temporary or short term basis? Where should my visitors park?
A6: OVT - Temporary parking permits are available for a daily rate, including overnight. These can also be purchased for your visitors. For additional information please see: Public Parking.

Q7: What if I move off campus?
A7: Permits for E, K, N, O, R, and G lots must be cancelled or exchanged for a PAY3-24 if you move off campus before the academic year is completed. Contact Parking by email at to request your cancellation.

Q8: Do I need my vehicle information to purchase a permit?
A8: Yes, registering a vehicle is required when purchasing a permit.

Q9: What if I don't know what vehicle I will be driving or I am/will be purchasing a different vehicle?
A9: The vehicle on your account can be updated at anytime so you can add one of your family member's vehicles at the time of purchase and update it when you have more information. Parking must be notified of a vehicle change prior to parking in your permit lot. Please contact Parking at 715-425-3333 or Emails are time stamped which Parking uses as a start time for the vehicle change.

Q10: Can I purchase a permit for just the Fall semester because I am graduating in December?
A10: You would purchase the annual permit for the whole year and contact parking to cancel the permit in December when you no longer need the permit.

Q11: If I waitlist for a permit, am I guaranteed one?
A11: Please see the waitlist information. Click here.