EPP Testing Information

Basic Skills Assessment

One of the first assessments to evaluate a prospective teacher candidate is an assessment of their reading, writing, and mathematics (basic skills).  Currently there are three different options for a teacher candidate to demonstrate their basic skills proficiency. 

Completion of Specific College Coursework

Basic skills in Reading, Writing and Mathematics is demonstrated by completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of C or tested out of in each:

  • ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (3)

  • One of the following Mathematics Courses: 

In the event a candidate does not complete the above with the miinimum requred GPA they can elect to demonstarte basic skills by either compelting:

For a grade lower than a C in English 100 you can either repeoat the course for a better grade or successfully pass the following outside assessments:


For a grade lower than a C in an approved Math course you can either repeoat the course for a better grade or successfully pass the following outside assessments: