Semester Abroad students and staff

Faculty & Staff Resources

Leading an Education Abroad Program

Faculty-led education abroad programs make up a large percentage of the education abroad options available to UW-River Falls students; roughly 65% of the students who go abroad each year from UWRF do so on short-term programs led by UWRF faculty. Additionally, two of UWRF's "flagship" semester-length programs are run and led by UWRF faculty members. It may seem daunting to set up a program for the first time, but we've had decades of successful programs, happy students, and enriched faculty leaders. 

So how does one go about setting up a faculty-led education abroad program? That's an easy answer: contact the Office of International Education (OIE) to set up a meeting to speak with our professional staff. No matter what stage of the planning process you're in - ruminating on an idea, planning an itinerary, ready to recruit students - we can assist you with the process and make sure you're squared away on all of the processes and policies. We're here to help!

Contact Info:
Office of International Education
287 Rodli Hall