Bike in China

Faculty & Staff Resources

Taking Students Abroad

There are many reasons why students may go abroad, and not all of them include a for-credit education abroad experience. Faculty and students may work together on research projects, perform in a choir/band/orchestra concert, attend an international conference or expo, complete a non-credit internship, obtain lab experience at a foreign institution, and so on. There's a lot of world out there, so the possibilities are endless!

Whenever students are traveling abroad under the auspices of UWRF, however, some steps need to be taken to prepare students for their experience, to obtain international health insurance coverage, and to make sure the proper planning is undertaken in regards to safety and liability. This is where the Office of International Education comes in - we're here to support the faculty and staff who are coordinating these efforts for our students so all involved can have a safe and positive experience. 

The Faculty and Staff Handbook (9.6.5 Education Abroad) notes that all students who travel abroad must complete a UWRF education abroad application before they go. Students must complete this application when the education/experience is in any way supported by UWRF faculty or staff or a UWRF department  or program (including affiliated programs/experiences). Students must complete a UWRF education abroad application whether engaging in the education/experience for credit or not. 

So how do you make this happen? Contact the Office of International Education at least two months prior to your students going abroad and set up a short meeting so we can walk you through the steps involved. 

Contact Info:
Office of International Education
287 Rodli Hall