
Resize Images Using Paint

Before uploading images, you should make sure they are the correct size for the container in which they will be placed. For the top, full-width banner size use 825 px; for the middle section use 580px; and the grey highlight box, 235 px.

You can edit images in Photoshop. If you do not have Photoshop, you can use Paint on a Windows platform. Paint is found in All Programs > Accessories.

To resize images in Paint:

1. Open the application, then Open the Image.

Open an Image in Paint

2. From the Home Tab, select the Resize and Skew Icon (note the original pixel size shown near the bottom).

Resize and Skew in Paint

3. Make sure there is a check mark in the box next to "Maintain aspect ratio"; then set the width and click OK.

Set Image Size in Pixels in Paint

4. You can also add a caption using the Text tool in Paint.

Add Caption In Paint

5. Click the main tab; choose Save as; choose JPEG. Enter a short descriptive name, no spaces, and save. Your image is now ready to upload.

Save As in Paint

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