Youth Protection and Compliance

Thousands of minors visit Universities of Wisconsin campuses each year for a variety of activities. UW-River Falls is committed to the well-being, safety and protection of all members of the Universities of Wisconsin community, including minors. UWRF recognizes that minors are a vulnerable population and require special attention and protection. Protecting minors on campus isn't just a good idea, it’s part of Wi. Stat. 48.981 and the Clery ActUW System Administrative Policy 625 for youth protection became effective in March 2023. This policy sets minimum standards to protect minors on our campus.

Activities that are considered a covered activity: 

  • All faculty, academic staff, university staff, employees, students, student employees, graduate students, interns, affiliates, volunteers, contractors, consultants, visitors and third party vendors supervising or interacting with minors at a university program, event or activity.
  • All UWRF activities held either on or off campus that serve minors, including those held in other municipalities, states and nations.
  • Third party programs and activities held on university property.

This policy does not apply to: 

  • A person under the age of 18 who is a matriculated student at UW-River Falls.
  • Events open to the general public and which minors attend at the sole discretion of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and where UW-River Falls does not have custodial care of the minor.
  • Private events.
  • Medical care provided to minors in an inpatient or outpatient setting.
  • Institutional Review Board-approved research.
  • Daycare and preschool services provided by a licensed health or daycare provider or employee or volunteer acting under the direction of a licensed health care provider.
  • Minors participating in pre-enrollment visitation or recruiting activities governed by the NCAA.
UWRF Section Separator

UW System Policy 625 - Youth Protection and Compliance

College and Department Process to Host a Youth Program

Follow these steps to host a youth activity at UWRF.

  1. Obtain approval from the Dean of the college (academic unit) or Director (non-academic unit).
  2. Identify a UWRF institutional sponsor for your program.
  3. Contact the precollege liaison via email at
  4. Register your youth activity/event in the Youth Activity Registration System (YARS). 
  5. Work with the Precollege Liaison to complete all compliance requirements for all staff (paid and volunteer at least 30 days prior to the event through VolunteerMatters. 

UWRF/UWS Compliance Requirements and Templates

Staff and Volunteer Training Requirements

The framework of our Youth Protection and Compliance Procedures comes from the UW System Administrative Policy 625 – Youth Protection and Compliance. UW System Administrative Policy 625 sets the minimum requirements to protect minors in youth programs through registration standards, screening and training standards, emergency preparedness standards and more. Both UW-River Falls-sponsored and third-party programs using UWRF facilities must comply with these standards. UW-River Falls also holds a recreational and educational camp license through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection. It is the youth program coordinator’s role to implement this policy and equip departments with the tools needed to protect minors visiting UWRF.

Staff and volunteer trainings are registered through VolunteerMatters and include Volunteer Agreement Acknowledgement, Background Check, EO54 Mandated Reporting, Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence Reporting and Youth Protection Best Practices.

Third Party External Organizations

Third party organizations need to obtain a UW-River Falls college or department sponsor that has received written approval at the executive level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors or Chancellors) to host the youth event. The third party will work with their university sponsor to obtain and complete required documents. 

The third party and its officers, employees and agents will comply with any and all relevant laws, rules or university policies, including any campus policy required by university policy and UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection and Compliance, as specified in that policy. In addition, third party organizations will comply with all youth protection and compliance requirements listed within the contractual agreement provided to them through their department sponsor.

Submit Certificate of Insurance (COI): All programs must be properly insured as required by UW System Risk Management. Proof of insurance for the event must be provided when applicable. For assessment of insurance needs, email

School or Group Field Trip to UWRF

Schools or groups will need to obtain a UW-River Falls college or department sponsor that has received written approval at the executive level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors or Chancellors) to bring your field trip to campus. The school or group will work with their university sponsor to obtain and complete the required Field Trip Agreement form outlining the school’s responsibilities throughout their visit.

Field trips are defined as a visit made to UW-River Falls and any property owned or leased by the university for the purposes of firsthand observation or participation (i.e.: library events, Falcon Center, farms, etc.). The custodial care (supervision) of youth participants falls on the responsibility of the school or group visiting. 

Document Requirements

Complete Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form: Schools and groups with minors are required to complete a Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form agreeing to the terms and conditions listed in the agreement. The school or group, field trip leader and chaperones will comply with any and all relevant laws, rules or university policies, including any campus policy required by university policy and UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection and Compliance, as specified in that policy. 

Program Support

For questions or assistance with coordinating a youth activity, email our campus Pre-College Liaison at You may also contact one of the college deans (CAFES, CAS, or CEBAH) or a campus program director about supporting your event.

Related Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All youth-serving activities including individual lessons, conferences, field trips, third parties, residential programs and camps should be registered with the Precollege Liaison. If you have a question about whether your activity needs to be registered, please discuss your plans with the campus pre-college liaison. Email for more information.
  • All UW-River Falls activities held on- or off-campus that serve non-matriculated minors, including those held in other states, municipalities and nations. 
  • All third-party programs, events or activities held on UW-River Falls property.
  • A person under the age of 18 who is a matriculated student at the university.
  • Events open to the general public and which minors attend at the sole discretion of their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and where the university does not have custodial care of the minor.
  • Medical care provided to minors in an in-patient or outpatient setting.
  • Institutional review board-approved research.
  • Daycare and preschool services provided by a licensed health or daycare provider or employee or volunteer acting under the direction of a licensed health care provider.
  • Minors participating in pre-enrollment visitation or recruiting activities governed by the NCAA.
  • UW-River Falls faculty who are guest lecturing at an outside organization and have no oversight of minors.

Please connect with the youth program coordinator four to six weeks in advance of your requested date.

  • UW-River Falls employees can access guides and templates on this webpage.
  • Third parties will work with their university program sponsor.
  • Additional questions can be sent to
  • Your school or group will need to obtain a UW-River Falls college or department sponsor that has received written approval at the executive level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors or Chancellor) to bring your field trip to campus. 
  • The following documentation will need to be collected:  Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form 
  • For more details, please see the “Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event” section of this webpage or contact your university sponsor. 
  • Your organization will need to obtain a UW-River Falls college or department sponsor that has received written approval at the executive level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors or Chancellor). 
  • The following documentation will need to be collected:  
    • Facilities Use Agreement for Youth Programs
    • Certificate of Insurance 
  • For more details, please see the “Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event” section of this webpage or contact your university sponsor. 
  • Yes. Seniors are generally a mix of 17- and 18-year-olds. While 18-year-olds are not minors, 17-year-olds are, so this would still be considered a youth event. However, if the participants are already enrolled at UW-River Falls, then they are considered "matriculated" and not minors. If this status applies to all participants, the event would be outside the scope of the policy.

  • If your youth event doesn't seem to fit any of the listed youth events on this webpage, feel free to send an email to to discuss the event in more detail. 
  • Yes. All programs must be properly insured. Please work with our Risk Management team to determine if your program or activity must have Camps and Clinics insurance. Email with questions.
  • UWRF Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) hosting youth programs are required to have a university faculty or staff member sponsor their youth event. The state liability insurance doesn't extend to students or student organizations. Students with specific questions about liability coverage should contact the faculty or staff adviser assigned to the organization or program in question or, if no such person is available, the campus risk manager. 

Incident Reporting

Program sponsor or program director will report any injury, illness, misconduct or incidents outlined in UW System Policy or other identified prohibited conduct. Reports can be submitted via the Youth/Minor General Incident Report.

Elements of Reporting shall include: 

  • Any incident established in an event Escalation Matrix that all staff or volunteers have agreed to as part of a signed Volunteer Agreement are to be reported immediately to the program director. 
  • The program director will initiate the Safety Plan and university reporting process. 
  • The program director, in conjunction with the identified reporter and any other witnesses, will complete an Incident Report. 

For information on reporting obligations for youth program staff and volunteers, refer to the UW-River Falls Escalation Matrix 



A sign welcoming visitors to UW-River Falls
Staff and volunteer trainings are registered through VolunteerMatters.
Young participants take a tour of Mann Valley Farm during Camp Badger
Youth Activity Registration System
Register your youth activity or event with the Youth Activity Registration System.