UWRF Orientation
Phone: 715-425-3500
Email: orientation@uwrf.edu
Location: 103 Rodli Hall, Admissions
Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., M-F
Placement Testing
Math and English placement tests are required at least one week prior to your registration day to get a complete class schedule. Advisers need these scores to determine the classes best suited for you!
All incoming students are required to take the UW System Placement Tests for English and math to help ensure enrollment into the proper courses prior to registering for classes. The math and English tests are the only required tests for all students unless you have an exemption through a test score or transfer credit that can take the place of your placement test score. (See "Which placement tests do I need to take?" section below.)
You may take one modern language test (optional) if you have prior experience with Spanish, French or German and would like an opportunity to continue your learning and earn up to 12 free credits through our Modern Language Department's "retro credit" program. If you have questions about the program, email catherine.nasara@uwrf.edu for further information.
The UW System Placement Tests are a required step in your enrollment at UWRF. These test your abilities in math, English and if desired, world language. As your adviser assists you in registering for courses during your registration time, they rely on your test scores to place you in the appropriate course level. You should put forth your best effort during the test but do not use outside resources that aren't specifically allowed. Trying to inflate your score to get a higher placement result will only result in registering for a course you aren't prepared for and could potentially lead to a lower grade. It's in your best interest to only use allowed resources to best set you up for success when you start your classes! Placement test results are needed prior to meeting with an adviser to register for math and English classes.
Math A, English and world language tests are being offered online and students can take them on their own time prior to registration via the Meazure Learning testing link that will be emailed after completing the registration form on the UW System website.
You'll see options for taking Math A or Math B at some points during the placement test registration process. You don't need to take both tests. You'll only need to take the Math A on-demand testing option along with the English test. These will both be online, unproctored tests that you can take when your schedule allows - just make sure it's at least one week prior to meeting with an adviser to register for classes!
All students need to take the math and English tests unless you're exempt from taking one or both. You may be exempt from taking the placement tests with the submission of qualifying math and/or English transfer credits or official test scores. You must submit these credits or scores to the Admissions Office through official channels prior to registering for your classes. Please visit apply.uwrf.edu/register/PlacementTesting to find out if you qualify for any exemptions.
If you need to submit transcripts or test scores to meet an exemption, please be sure to requests that your transcripts be sent directly to the UWRF Admissions Office via an electronic transcript service or via mail if electronic delivery is not available.
Electronic transcripts can be sent to admissions@uwrf.edu and mailed transcripts can be addressed to:
UW-River Falls Admissions Office
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022
If you have Advanced Placement scores to submit, they must be sent through the AP College Board site using our school code (1918) so we receive them prior to your registration date.
You'll want to take your placement tests as early as you can once registration is live. This ensures that we have your scores on file and prepared for your adviser prior to your registration date. You'll receive the link to take the Math A, English and World Language tests in the Meazure Learning email once you submit the UW registration form. Those tests should be taken online as soon as you are able to complete them and submitted at least one week prior to your registration date at the very latest.
Placement Testing Sign-up
Please click here to register for UW System placement tests.
Reminder: You are only required to take the Math A and English tests. Choosing one of the Spanish, German or French placement tests is optional if you want to pursue Modern Language courses at UW-River Falls.
Admitted? Start Your To-Do List Now!
To ensure you have a smooth transition to college, follow the Admitted Student To-Do List to make sure you don't miss any key action items or deadlines. Once you decide that UWRF is your school and you've completed the Admitted Student To-Do List, move on to the Committed Student To-Do List!