Logo for UWRF's 150th anniversary

From 1874 to today, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls has believed in the power of opportunity and so have our students. We are proud to serve our Falcons at every stage of their academic journey and work with community partners to create positive change locally, regionally and globally.

We’re spending the year celebrating our rich history while also looking ahead to the next 150 years and beyond! Explore our sesquicentennial booklet to learn more about our history and check back often for updates on events and activities planned to mark UWRF’s Sesquicentennial. 

Employee Medallion Hunt Clues

The medallion has been found! Congratulations to Deanna Cahoon-Draus, University Center programs specialist, for finding the medallion and claiming the prize!

Celebrate With Us!

Join your fellow Falcons as we celebrate 150 years! Check back as events will be added throughout the year. 


On Aug. 9, 2024, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers issued a Certification of Commendation honoring our 150th Anniversary. 

View the official Certificate of Commendation from Gov. Evers.

"As a key economic driver in the St. Croix Valley, UW-River Falls has come a long way in 150 years since its founding as a normal school, and its importance in Wisconsin's education ecosystem has only grown." - Jay Rothman, Universities of Wisconsin

Read President Rothman's full statement celebrating our 150th anniversary.

On Aug. 23, 2024, State Representative Shannon Zimmerman and presented UWRF with a Citation from the State Assembly in honor of our 150th year.

View the official Citation by the State Assembly.



We've created a toolkit for employees to utilize featuring our sesquicentennial logo. Feel free to join the celebratory atmosphere and download the provided templates and logos!

Medallion Hunt Official Rules and Guidelines

Official Rules

  • The medallion is hidden in public space on UWRF grounds in an easily accessible place. It is NOT located in offices or other ‘private’ spaces. Please respect the private property and personal space of others.
  • It is not necessary to damage, destroy or dig or climb to find the medallion. 
  • The hunt begins Tuesday, Jan. 21 and continues until found. Two clues will be shared each day. Clues will be emailed (all-employee email) at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.  
  • Please check the UWRF 150th website to see past clues and other upcoming events.
  • If more than one person finds the medallion, the reward will be split among all the finders.
  • The medallion hunt is open to all professional UWRF faculty and staff.   
  • When the medallion is found, follow instructions on the back of the medallion to contact Scott Sekelsky at scott.sekelsky@uwrf.edu and Mesa Carlsen at mesa.carlsen@uwrf.edu.     
  • An email will be sent once the medallion has been found.