Chancellor Gallo Inauguration
About Chancellor Maria Gallo
Chancellor Gallo started in July 2021 as the 20th chancellor at UW-River Falls. Gallo is a strong advocate for women in STEM, including the agricultural sciences, undergraduate research opportunities and equity, diversity and inclusion in higher education.

Day of Engagement
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022
Festivities for the chancellor’s inauguration began with engagement events for students, employees and the community the day before the installation ceremony. The Day of Engagement included information sessions and workshops hosted by UWRF colleges.
Featured session: Annie Murphy Paul, author of "The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain."
Please contact inauguration@uwrf.edu or 715-425-3201 with any questions.
Thank you to the Inauguration Planning Team
Jenna Lindseth, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Beth Schommer, Chief of Staff
Kristin Barstad, University Center
Kellie Burrows, University Advancement
Mesa Carlsen, Event Coordinator
Dina Fassino, University Communications and Marketing
Richard Foy, Assistant Chancellor of University Advancement
Dawn Hukai, Interim Dean, College of Business and Economics and College of Education and Professional Studies
Cyndi Kernahan, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Mark Klapatch-Mathias, Sustainability Coordinator
Russ Korpela, River Falls Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau
Elise Peters, Student Involvement
Nathan Riel-Elness, Academic Staff Council Chair
Jody Sather, University Staff Senate Chair
Joe Schlies, Student Government Association President
Kristin Tjornehoj, Music Department
Alexandru Tupan, Faculty Senate Chair