Why Study Horticulture?
Major/Minor | Plant Sciences/Agriculture/Science | CAFES
A multi-faceted field, horticulture studies the sustainable use of plants to improve the world and human well-being by generating healthy foods, protecting and restoring the environment and creating functional and attractive landscapes. You can choose from three options to focus your studies and hone your interests: landscape design and management, fruit and vegetable sustainable systems or a professional option.
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cafes@uwrf.edu // 715-425-3535
Your Degree:
Area of Study:
Plant Sciences/Agriculture/Science

Skills and Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a working knowledge and appreciation of the diversity of plants, their culture and utilization.
- Communicate effectively with a broad range of audiences.
- Synthesize, integrate and apply information to solve horticultural problems.
- Apply horticultural principles for the successful growth and production of plants.
- Cultivate and hone critical thinking skills and ethical standards.
Types of Courses
- Floriculture
- Fruit Science and Production
- Herbaceous Perennials
- Greenhouse Management
- Interior Plantscapes
- Plant Propagation
- Sustainable Landscape Design
- Turfgrass Science and Management
- Woody Landscape Plants

Potential Careers
Horticulture graduates are prepared for a wide variety of roles in an in-demand field, including:
- Athletic Turf Specialist
- Greenhouse Grower or Supervisor
- Hydroponics Technician
- Landscape Designer or Interior Plantscaper
- Municipal Horticulturalist or Urban Forester
- Orchard or Vineyard Manager
- Plant Breeder or Post-Harvest Physiologist
- Wholesale or Retail Florist
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