University Advancement
Phone: 715-425-3505
Email: advancement@uwrf.edu
Location: 112 South Hall
Mailing Address: 410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022
Connect With Us
Through fundraising, alumni engagement, communications and more, our University Advancement team is working to advance the UWRF mission, engage past and present Falcons and secure the university's future. We can't do it alone and support from UWRF's alumni and supporters ensures the highest-quality, student-centered education remains accessible for generations of Falcons to come. Thank you for your continued and unwavering support of UW-River Falls!
Have a question, interested in speaking to one of our staff members or exploring giving options? Explore below to find more information about our work and our team.
Find all things Alumni at uwrf.edu/alumni.
Pedro Renta, Director of Alumni Relations: pedro.renta@uwrf.edu or 715-425-4553.
The Falcon Annual Fund is UWRF's unrestricted fund and is used to meet the university's highest priority needs. Learn more at uwrf.edu/university-advancement/falcon-annual-fund.
Giving Day raises money to support the Falcon Annual. Learn more at uwrf.edu/university-advancement/giving-day.
To learn more about planned giving or existing scholarships, contact Kimberly Gould-Speckman.
Kimberly Gould Speckman, Administrative Manager: kimberly.gould-speckman@uwrf.edu or 715-425-4212
To learn about supporting or creating a new scholarship opportunity, please connect with one of our Advancement Officers.
Kellie Burrows, Advancement Officer: kellene.burrows@uwrf.edu or 715-425-4427
Julie Stucky, Advancement Officer: julie.stucky@uwrf.edu or 715-425-4647
An independent, not-for-profit, 501(c)3 Wisconsin corporation, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Foundation is organized solely for the benefit of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Private giving to the Foundation is essential in raising the level of excellence at the university. Through support of the university’s goals and objectives, the Foundation is committed to engaging people who care about the university, and who have the dedication to promote and support its initiatives. The Foundation manages funds according to the wishes of the donors, promotes a culture of philanthropy, and adheres to the ethical and conscientious stewardship of all gifts.
Amy Zimmer, University Foundation President: amy.zimmer@uwrf.edu or 715-425-4268
Questions about a topic not listed above? View our staff directory below to connect with an Advancement team member, call 715-425-3505 or email advancement@uwrf.edu.