Student Life
Contact Us
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Email: inclusion@uwrf.edu
Phone: 715-425-3300
Location: 269 Rodli Hall
Let’s Come Together
Whether it’s through a shared identity or a shared experience, coming together with your peers is an important part of the college experience. Identity-based student organizations help you meet new people and learn from fellow Falcons.
How do I Join?
Interested in joining an identity-based organization? Visit FalconsConnect to learn more about our student organizations, search clubs and groups and find contact information. See you at the next meeting!
A social and academic community, AASA is for students who want to gain and/or promote Asian cultures to the community. The group’s mission is to develop relationships, support and leadership skills that will prepare students for life after college.
Asigi'idiwag Anishinaabekaa is anishinaabemowin, or Ojibwe, for Natives Come Together. AsiAni is an organization that is a culture-based club that strives to provide a space for indigenous students to find community at UWRF. We also create educational opportunities for all students who have an interest in Native American heritage. AsiAni works tirelessly to raise awareness of Native American traditions for both indigenous and non-indigenous students to gain an understanding of the diverse and beautiful culture present at the university.
An identity-based organization focused on group unity, BSU strives to educate students about African American history and culture. The group supports members’ goals while providing an insightful and welcoming social environment. BSU’s mission is to create awareness at UWRF, support African Americans and provide students with effective communication and a thriving social and academic experience throughout college.
UWRF’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance’s purpose is to provide a social, emotional and education support for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, pansexual, intersex, ally, asexual and two-spirit population on campus. GSA also acts as an educational organization to provide a greater awareness of the issues that concern members themselves, the university and the surrounding community.